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Book Quizzes | Literature Tests & Summaries

4.0 ( 0 ratings )
المطور: BookRags, Inc.

Take a free quiz to prepare for your upcoming test, see how well you know the story, or review for tonight’s book club meeting.

Search hundreds of books and take a 25 question quiz from BookRags.com. Test your knowledge and compare your scores to others who have taken the quiz.

Once you have your results, share your scores with friends or classmates and challenge them to beat you. Or send them to your teacher for extra credit.

You’ll also have the option to purchase a detailed summary and analysis on each book. Comprehensive study guides include a plot summary, detailed chapter analyses, and the major themes. You’ll also learn about the characters and find meaningful quotes to help you prepare for your test or support the arguments in your essay.

Now that you can bring your study guides with you anywhere you go, acing your test will be a snap!

Key Features:
· Hundreds of literature titles to choose from
· 25 quiz questions for each book
· Results calculated traditionally and on a curve
· Study on-the-go
· Share your results with friends and/or teachers
· Optional purchase of detailed literature summaries & analyses

BookRags has the largest collection of book summaries online for students and teachers. Download comprehensive study guides, essays, biographies, quotes, and lesson plans.